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our impact

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"Roots Rising made me feel good about myself and made me happy. It changed how I felt about working. I took things more seriously- not just work but also school. No matter what we did, when I came to Roots Rising my day was amazing."


-Davon, Spring Farm Crew


“Roots Rising has taught me to be a diligent and engaged worker. It has pushed me to think about the world differently and to have confidence in myself. Whether my hands are planting a crop or helping someone in need, I know that at the end of the day I will have done something meaningful. And that is all thanks to Roots Rising.”


-Hannah, Market Crew, Summer/Fall/Spring Farm Crews


During distribution days at the pantry, I felt an overwhelming sense of joy. Meeting the families that we were helping put the biggest smile on all of our faces. And the culinary lessons we took made me twice as confident in the kitchen as I was before. This makes me extremely happy: my dad loves to cook and now I can cook by his side and learn all of his recipes, and hopefully I can cook with my children one day.


-Julia, Spring Farm Crew


"Working for Roots Rising made a big impact on my life. It helped me step outside my comfort zone. It showed me that I’m a hard worker. It made me feel like a strong, independent woman. And it helped me become a better person. I realized that making others happy made me feel happy too. I love Roots Rising."


-Zynaisia, Spring and Fall Farm Crews


"Serving the community made me feel appreciated and useful. Working at the food pantry was really life changing for me. It’s one thing to talk about doing something and it’s another to actually do it. I learned that I have a strong voice. And that I need to speak out more often because what I have to say matters.”


-Queenstar, Summer Farm Crew


"Roots Rising did not feel like a job to me. It felt like a community that accepted me for who I am. No matter how my morning started, at the end of the day I left my Farm Crew feeling joyful, purposeful and full of knowledge. I haven’t just gained friends in my Crew- I’ve gained a family."


-Kaylee, Summer, Spring, and Fall Farm Crews


“Roots Rising has showed me what it feels like to be loved and cared for. I now know what healthy and honest communication looks like, and I have become more confident in my own voice and opinions. My listening skills have improved, as well as my will to change the world through my passions.”


-Aviva, Market Crew, Summer and Fall Farm Crews


“It amazes me what five weeks under the beating sun can do to a person. I went from polished nails to a permanent dirt manicure. I have learned to embrace the earth, instead of shying away from all its wonders.”


-Mary, Summer Farm Crew


“The impact that Roots Rising has had on my life was beyond my expectations. It was one of the best experiences of my life. It showed me a whole different perspective on the world. My Crew was one of the most compassionate, caring, loving, and funny groups I have ever been with. I now feel more connected to nature, and overall the work made me feel incredible. I loved every second of it."


-Ian, Summer and Fall Farm Crews

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